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Discoveries (with selected Sounds & their VCS)

The title "Discoveries" refers to the unique ability of my creative software, the Kyma System, to allow the creator to set up an infinite variety of conditions where one can discover sounds and combinations that would otherwise not be evident. Consequently, I have produced two separate YouTube videos allowing a deep look into how Kyma works as the music unfolds. The first video (, titled "Discoveries (Timeline version)", displays the Kyma timeline of the work where, as the yellow bar progresses, you can watch as one sound will kick in where another is fading. This video affords a deeper look into some of the actual sounds and how they are created, as you observe how they actually look while the work is being composed. I suggest that the listener start with the other timeline video (titled "Discoveries (Timeline version)" but view both videos to get a more complete picture of how this remarkable system works and how a composition under it is put together. That being said, unless you are a Kyma user yourself, you will have some trouble trying to figure out the meaning of the visuals. Not to worry, they only exist as an optional complement to the music, which I hope can stand on its own..... Barton McLean, Petersburgh, NY, Feb. 22, 2020

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